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Critical Reflections on the Vital Importance of Soft Skills and the Strategies for the Integration of Essential Soft Skills into the Curriculum of Highe Education Business Institutions in Vietnam

Critical Reflections on the Vital Importance of Soft Skills and the Strategies for the Integration of Essential Soft Skills into the Curriculum of Highe Education Business Institutions in Vietnam

Critical Reflections on the Vital Importance of Soft Skills and the Strategies for the Integration of Essential Soft Skills into the Curriculum of Highe Education Business Institutions in Vietnam

  • Nhan đề :
  • Critical Reflections on the Vital Importance of Soft Skills and the Strategies for the Integration of Essential Soft Skills into the Curriculum of Highe Education Business Institutions in Vietnam
  • Tác giả :
  • Trương Thị Thu Hằng
  • Năm xuất bản :
  • 2016
  • Nhà Xuất bản :
  • University of Newcastle
  • Từ khóa :
  • Higher Education Business Institutions,Curriculum,Soft Skills,Strategies
  • Số trang :
  • 324 tr.
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