A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T| U| V| W| X| Y| Z| 0-9

Effect of factors on the growth, yield, nutritional composition, and antioxidantability of two oyster mushrooms (Pleurotusostreatus and P. cystidiosus)

Effect of factors on the growth, yield, nutritional composition, and antioxidantability of two oyster mushrooms (Pleurotusostreatus and P. cystidiosus)

Effect of factors on the growth, yield, nutritional composition, and antioxidantability of two oyster mushrooms (Pleurotusostreatus and P. cystidiosus)

  • Nhan đề :
  • Effect of factors on the growth, yield, nutritional composition, and antioxidantability of two oyster mushrooms (Pleurotusostreatus and P. cystidiosus)
  • Tác giả :
  • Hà Thị Hoa
  • Năm xuất bản :
  • 2016
  • Nhà Xuất bản :
  • National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
  • Từ khóa :
  • Factors,Growth,Yield,Nutritional composition,Antioxidantability,Two oyster mushrooms
  • Số trang :
  • 213 tr.
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